Preprints and Archive Server Services

Compuscript can provide both the technical and operational infrastructure to support the establishment and running of Preprint services. From platform selection to paper processing and publication, Compuscript are there to assist where required.

Our team of domain specific PhDs curate articles for inclusion on preprint servers. Articles are rigorously reviewed according to client standards. We confirm that the content meets scientific requirements, check for plagiarism, for ethical standards, for inappropriate content, etc. The typical approach is to find the right reasons to accept a paper for publication. We work closely with our clients to fit our services to their needs and philosophy on preprints. Typical reviews include:

Content checks:

Scientific requirements

Original work

Article has not already been posted or published elsewhere

Categories/Keywords are pertinent to the scope of the server

The content is not abusive or disrespectful in any respect

Completeness of paper


Metadata checks including:

 Title
 Author Names
 Affiliation and Country
 Email Address
 Funding
 License Description