Website Development

Design Services

We offer an extensive range of services for all your web design and development needs. We can develop your brand identity and execute it consistently across traditional and online media to ensure the success of your journal including logos, brochures, posters, email marketing templates, social media graphics and any other requirements you have.

Website Development

We offer affordable web design and development packages, from a completely new website to a redesign, we have the solution to suit your needs. To ensure your journal has the online presence it deserves, we will work with you to create a professional and unique website that showcases and promotes your title effectively.

Professional Website Content Writing

Many small companies find it difficult to write their own company profile for their website. However, the ‘text’ is the most important link between your business and your potential customers and can make the difference between success and failure. Compuscript’s professional writers produce high-end advertising and marketing copy to create a real impact on your website.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is a process of improving the online visibility of your website in the results displayed by search engines. To get your website listed on the first page of search engine results you will need excellent content and appropriate keywords. Page titles, headings, keywords, image tags, content, and your internal link structure are also very important to SEO as well as load speeds, mobile compatibility and other components. We ensure that your website will meet all necessary requirements:

- Easy to read and follow
- Provide relevant reader information
- Have relevant working links
- Updated regularly